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Minneapolis Forward: Community Now Coalition

Hannah Kamath

Mission: The Minneapolis Forward: Community Now Coalition is a cross-sector coalition that will help transform Minneapolis into a stronger, equitable, inclusive, resilient, and innovative city. Participants reflect leadership from Twin Cities businesses, cultural institutions, community organizations, and foundations

More about this work:

The Core Strategy Team of the Minneapolis Forward Community Now Coalition leads the identification and development of the solutions, strategies, and tactics of the Minneapolis Forward Community Now Coalition. We are committed to doing this work differently and truly partnering with community-rooted leaders and a cross-sector partnership. Here you will find the first presentations of the Core Strategy Team, unedited and unfiltered. These ideas remain the intellectual property of the community leaders that have completed the work in partnership with the City and we are excited to move Minneapolis Forward together.

The Coalition’s recovery work includes support for the following eight Areas of Action:

  1. Business Retention Develop and deploy resources to preserve in the community the businesses and cultural institutions that were there before the death of George Floyd whether or not the property owner chooses to rebuild or repair the directly impacted buildings. Business Retention Presentation

  2. Prioritize Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)/Minority-Owned Businesses Develop and deploy resources for BIPOC/minority-owned businesses and nonprofits that owned or leased space in a building that was destroyed or directly impacted and where insurance will not cover the loss. Prioritize Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC):Minority-Owned Businesses

  3. Supporting Entrepreneurs who Invest in the Community Create a climate in the impacted communities that supports community businesses with access to capital, mentorship and network resources to grow in place, hire from the community, and seed prosperity. Supporting Entrepreneurs who Invest in the Community Presentation

  4. Real Estate Owners & Tenants Develop resources for owners whose properties have been destroyed and directly impacted and where insurance will not cover the loss. Create wealth building opportunities through prioritizing BIPOC community real estate ownership and investment, including first right of refusal for current tenants. Real Estate Owners & Tenants Presentation

  5. Housing Preservation Develop and deploy resources to allow displaced residents to stay in the community through the replacement or repair of residences destroyed and directly impacted and where insurance will not cover the loss.

  6. Inclusive Economic Solutions Assure that the resources procured and developed prioritize economic inclusion, quickly stabilize immediately impacted communities, and create capacity to envision and launch projects with an emphasis on healing and cultural wellness and participation by BIPOC/minority-owned businesses in the rebuilding of these historically neglected neighborhoods.

  7. Immediate Needs of Impacted Residents Assure that the resources developed address the critical needs of food, transportation and healthcare and cultural wellness needs for impacted residents.

  8. Reimagining Public Spaces Rebuilding allows spaces to be redesigned to better serve the people of the community. Focus on enhancing the physical environment in a way that reflects the community of today built on ideas from the impacted community. Our transformed public spaces will stimulate the local economy by strengthening connections, and promoting mobility, and physical and mental health benefits.

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